Violent Criminal Background Check

Is your life worth 60 seconds?
Criminal Background Records will help you find out who that new neighbor is down the street, they may know you, your little girl or boy...what do you know about them.
Dating? What do you really know about your new date, is that guy you've let into your home actually a convicted wife-beater, rapist or child molester with multiple restraining orders. Are you a single Mom or Dad with children? You have a duty to protect your baby! Has your new neighbor taken a special interest in your child, is he or she a convicted child molester or abductor? Check our criminal database we offer comprehensive background records for sex offenders and other violent criminals. Protect yourself, your family, and your children. database registry

Sex Database Registry serves
as a focal point in providing assistance to parents, children,
law enforcement, schools, and the community in identification of potential sex offenders. We are working to bring all available states and countries to you via our on-line data systems. Our goal is to raise public awareness about ways to help prevent child abduction, molestation and sexual exploitation.
A New Day, New Hope. Share your inspirations of love and hope here

Share your story and dreams>> here
Share with all of us, the world your most endearing moments, as you helped or received help from another, the work you do in a homeless shelter, even a smile shared between strangers- and how that made you feel, share with us, so we may feel that moment with you growing in the love and hope that was in your heart.
Share your story and dreams>> here
Headlines What's New at
A New Day, New Hope Share your inpirations of love and hope with us
Violent Criminal Background Records find out who they really are, background check here.
National Sex Offender registration & community notification requirements.
Recidivism SexOffenders Forensic & Clinical Psychologists study Sexual Predators repeat offenders.
Internet Crimes Against Children ICAC local branch State Departments notification centers.
Parent's Guide to Internet Safety FBI publication.
National Criminal History Improvement Program NCHIP is designed to assist States in meeting evolving Federal and State requirements for criminal history, protective orders and sexual offender registry records. serves as a central point in providing assistance to parents, children,
schools, and the community in reaching out to those who are and have been abused. is a great source of education and learning opportunities.
Related Links
Sex Offender Related Links
Press here for a list of related links providing assistance & sevice to parents, children, law enforcement, schools, and the community in recovering missing